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editorial process


Line Editing (1 Round), Copyediting (1 Round),

Mini Line Edit

reading couch

Line Editing (2 Rounds), Copyediting (2 Rounds), Developmental Editing

writing desk

 Manuscript Assessment, Mini Critique, Proofreading, Beta Reading, Authenticity Reading

Line Editing (1 Round), Copyediting (1 Round),
Mini Line Edit


Contact Form

Submit my contact form so I can fully understand your goals and expectations. You will be prompted to upload your manuscript; I will read and edit a free sample of up to 1,000 words and then consider your inquiry in detail to determine whether I am the best editor for you. 


Proposal, Deposit, Contract

After reviewing the details of your project, I will send you my sample edit via your email address provided in the contact form. If we both agree that we are a good fit, I will provide you with a customized proposal (usually detailing at least two different options—and respective quotes—I think will benefit your manuscript) and a complimentary booklet detailing the different editing services. 


If you agree to the proposal, you will e-sign it and pay a nonrefundable $50 deposit within 48 hours to secure a spot in my schedule; we will agree to a start date at the time of signing the proposal. Two weeks before our start date, I will then send you my service agreement for both of us to sign. Once the service agreement is signed, I will invoice you for one-half of the total cost (excluding the $50 calendar deposit), which is to be paid before the start of the project. 


Once the invoice has been paid, the service agreement signed, and the full manuscript and any corresponding parts (photo captions, front and back matter, references, etc.) are delivered to me via email, I will begin work on your project on our agreed-upon start date. For more info on payment, please see the main FAQ section.


Main Editorial Phase

Depending on the size of your project, I may go quiet for a while as I work my way through your files.


Back to You: Author Revisions

I’ll email you the amended document with my edits and queries, your customized style sheet, and a cover letter detailing my global findings.


Documents will be in Microsoft Word with edits shown using the Track Changes feature and queries appear as comments in the margin. You will choose to accept any, all, some, or none of my revisions and implement any new changes and respond to my queries.


I will also issue the final invoice. The client has five business days to pay the invoice and to review my edits and email me their manuscript with revisions before we move on to step 5.


Back to Me: Post-Editing

You'll send me back the manuscript with your replies to my queries, Track Changes approved or rejected, and final tweaks you may have added.


For line- or copyediting: I will edit up to an additional 1,000 words for any new content; over 1,000 words will be charged at the original per-word rate; significant revisions subject to a new contract.


For a mini line edit: I will edit up to an additional 300 words for any new content; over 300 words will be charged at the original per-word rate; significant revisions subject to a new contract.


Final Files

I'll email you the final file(s) with any new content edited and an updated style sheet, if applicable. I'll issue an invoice for any outstanding amount (e.g., more than 1,000 revised words, adding on a book blurb, etc.), which is to be paid within 30 days.


Full copyright of the edited manuscript passes to you upon receipt of final payment.


Ongoing Support

If you invested in a package, we will work on each service independently; that is, once you have approved the final file(s) for the first service, we can begin work on the next service. Please see my main FAQ page for info on package payments. 


If you find at the end of your service that you'd like an additional round of line editing or copyediting, I charge half of the original per-word rate for a second round. 


If you would like to hire me for additional services down the line, I offer a 10% discount for returning clients and a 10% discount for each successful referral.

Line Editing (2 Rounds), Copyediting (2 Rounds),
Developmental Editing


Contact Form

Submit my contact form so I can fully understand your goals and expectations. You will be prompted to upload your manuscript.


For line- or copyediting, I will read and edit a free sample of up to 1,000 words and then consider your inquiry in detail to determine whether I am the best editor for you. I'll return my sample via the email address provided in the contact form.


​For developmental editing, I'll perform a cursory read of your manuscript to determine where you're at in the editing process.


Proposal, Deposit, Contract

After reviewing the details of your project:


For line-or copyediting: I will send you my sample edit. If we both agree that we are a good fit, I will provide you with a customized proposal (usually detailing at least two different options—and respective quotes—I think will benefit your manuscript) and a complimentary booklet detailing the different editing services. 


For developmental editing: I will email you to let you know if I think we are a good fit (I only take on full developmental edits for certain nonfiction texts), and I will provide you with a customized proposal (usually detailing at least two different options—and respective quotes—I think will benefit your manuscript) and a complimentary booklet detailing the different editing services. 


For both: If you agree to the proposal, you will e-sign it and pay a nonrefundable $50 deposit within 48 hours to secure a spot in my schedule; we will agree to a start date at the time of signing the proposal. Two weeks before our start date, I will then send you my service agreement for both of us to sign. Once the service agreement is signed, I will invoice you for one-third of the total cost (excluding the $50 calendar deposit), which is to be paid before the start of the project. 


Once the invoice has been paid, the service agreement signed, and the full manuscript and any corresponding parts (photo captions, front and back matter, references, etc.) are delivered to me via email, I will begin work on your project on our agreed-upon start date. For more info on payment, please see the main FAQ section.


First Editorial Phase

Depending on the size of your project, I may go quiet for a while as I work my way through your files.


Back to You: Author Revisions Round 1

For line- or copyediting: I’ll email you the amended document with my edits and queries, your customized style sheet, and a cover letter detailing my global findings.


Documents will be in Microsoft Word with edits shown using the Track Changes feature and queries appear as comments in the margin. You will choose to accept any, all, some, or none of my revisions and implement any new changes and respond to my queries. The client has five business days to review my edits and email me their manuscript with revisions.


I will also send an invoice for one-third of the remaining cost, which is to be paid within five business days before we move on to step 5.


For developmental editing: I’ll email you the amended document with my edits and queries and an editorial report detailing my findings, suggestions for revisions, and "homework assignments."


Documents will be in Microsoft Word with edits shown using the Track Changes feature and queries appear as comments in the margin. You will choose to accept any, all, some, or none of my revisions and implement any new changes and respond to my queries. The editorial letter will be emailed as a separate Word document, meant to be read alongside the manuscript. You will also implement changes (if you agree) based on my editorial report. The client has 30 days to review my edits and email me back their new draft with the incorporated revisions.


I will also send an invoice for one-third of the remaining cost, which is to be paid within five business days before we move on to step 5.


Includes up to 2 hours of follow-up communication after the first draft is sent to answer any outstanding questions before you get to rewriting (half an hour of the two hours can be accommodated in a phone call, the rest in email).


Back to Me: Second Editorial Phase

For line- or copyediting: You'll send me back the manuscript with your replies to my queries, Track Changes approved or rejected, and other tweaks you may have added. I will edit up to an additional 1,000 words for any new content; over 1,000 words will be charged at the original per-word rate.


I will then perform a second read-through of the manuscript, editing any new content introduced during the author revision phase, and line editing things that may have been missed during the initial editing phase—sections that, upon a second read, could use a little more organizational love, or "pet" words I may have missed the first round.


For developmental editing: I'll read through your manuscript again, reviewing your answers to my queries and looking over your implementation of the "homework assignments." I will once again note how the manuscript reads as a whole, whether your revisions have strengthened prior weak spots, and if there are any additional steps you can take to tighten up the organization.


Back to You: Author Revisions Round 2

For line- or copyediting: I’ll email you the final amended document with my edits and any new queries. The client has five business days to review my edits and email me their manuscript with any last revisions and answers to outstanding queries.


I will issue the final invoice, which is to be paid within five business days before we move on to step 7.


For developmental editing: I'll email you the final amended document with my edits and any new queries. The client has ten business days to review my edits and email their manuscript with any last revisions and answers to outstanding queries.


I will issue the final invoice, which is to be paid within ten days before we move on to step 7.


Back to Me: Post-Editing

For line- or copyediting: You'll send me back the manuscript with your replies to my queries, Track Changes approved or rejected, and final tweaks you may have added. I will edit up to an additional 500 words for any new content; over 500 words will be charged at the original per-word rate; significant revisions subject to a new contract.


For developmental editing: You'll send me back the manuscript with your replies to my queries, Track Changes approved or rejected, and any final tweaks you may have added. I will edit up to 1 hour's worth of new content. Over an hour of edits will be billed at the $40 hourly rate; significant revisions subject to a new contract.


Final Files

I'll email you the final file(s) with any new content edited and an updated style sheet if applicable (line- and copyediting). I'll issue an invoice for any outstanding amount (e.g., more than 1 hour's worth of revised content, adding on a book blurb, etc.), which is to be paid within 30 days. 


Full copyright of the edited manuscript passes to you upon receipt of payment.


Ongoing Support

If you invested in a package, we will work on each service independently; that is, once you have approved the final file(s) for the first service, we can begin work on the next service. Please see my main FAQ page for info on package payments. 


If you would like to hire me for additional services down the line, I offer a 10% discount for returning clients and a 10% discount for each successful referral.

Manuscript Assessment, Mini Critique, Proofreading, Beta Reading & Authenticity Reading


Contact Form

Submit my contact form so I can fully understand your goals and expectations. You will be prompted to upload your manuscript; I will perform a cursory read and then consider your inquiry in detail to determine whether I am the best editor for you. 


Proposal, Deposit, Contract

I will provide you with a customized proposal (usually detailing at least two different options—and respective quotes—I think will benefit your manuscript) and a complimentary booklet detailing the different editing services. 


If you agree to the proposal, you will e-sign it and pay a nonrefundable $50 deposit to secure a spot in my schedule; we will agree to a start date at the time of signing the proposal. Two weeks before the project start date, I will then send you my service agreement for both of us to sign.


For proofreading or a manuscript assessment: Once the service agreement is signed, I will invoice you for 50% of the total cost (excluding the $50 calendar deposit), which is to be paid before the start of the project. The remainder will be invoiced before you receive the final files. 


For a mini critique, flash fiction, short stories, beta reading, or authenticity reading: Once the service agreement is signed, I will invoice in full (excluding the $50 calendar deposit) before the start date.


Once the invoice has been paid, the service agreement signed, and the full manuscript is delivered to me via email, I will begin work on your project on our agreed-upon start date. For more info on payment, please see the main FAQ section.


Main Editorial Phase

Depending on the size of your project, I may go quiet for a while as I work my way through your files.


Final Files

For proofreading: I'll email you the amended document (either using Microsoft Word or PDF, depending on your incoming file) with my edits and any last-minute queries and an updated version of your style sheet if applicable. An invoice will be issued for the remaining amount, which is to be paid within three business days before we move on to step 5.


For manuscript assessment, mini critique, beta reading, authenticity reading: I will email you your final file in the form of an editorial report or my "report card," depending on the service. No editing is included in these services.


Ongoing Support

For proofreading: If there are any queries I had that need resolution, I will edit up to a half hour's worth of work.​


For manuscript assessment, mini critique, beta reading, authenticity reading: These services do not include any follow-up communication; any additional questions—extensive emailing or a 30-minute phone call—will be billed at my hourly rate of $40. Once you implement my feedback, write a few more drafts, perform some self-edits, and want to invest in line and/or copyediting down the road, I offer a 10% discount for returning clients.


If you invested in a package, we will work on each service independently; that is, once you have approved the final file(s) for the first service, we can begin work on the next service. Please see my main FAQ page for info on package payments. 

line & copy (2 rounds)
line & copy (1 round)
man. critique
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